Security Intelligence

We monitor the data sources of our clients and apply
advanced security analytical models.

The security of your
business is our priority

We monitor public and private sources
of information in order to prevent
security threats.

Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence

We develop artificial intelligence models
to detect new threats.

Big Data
Big Data

Distributed technology capable of handling
and storing large volumes of data.

Advanced Security
Advanced Security

Advanced analytics, specific connectors and
advanced security rules.

Our solutions are supported by
the latest technology

We use machine learning techniques with big data capabilities to
offer a stable and optimized service.

Perform searches
and investigations
in real time

Real-time analytics help you quickly identify and resolve
potential cyber attacks, detect and prevent any
breaches, and reduce compliance costs.


Alert and notify
false positives

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
algorithms work 24/7 and alert you if there
is an important event or problem to fix.

Collect & Centralize

Wide variety of connectors and integrations make it easy to aggregate
data across your stack and down your pipeline.